2025, KYIV
book stand Book ticket
book stand Book ticket
2025, KYIV

Stand Builder

Stand Builder Accreditation

To be admitted to stand building works at the Exhibition Centre ACCO International, each and every exhibitor and third-party stand builder shall be accredited.

Accreditation is granted subject to proof of proper performance of stand building works (mantling and dismantling) supported by a full set of documents and certificates. Accreditation procedure consists of three steps: submission of documents, examination of documents, and grant of accreditation. The documents shall be submitted both by exhibitors, who do not use standard stands or General Builder services and build their stands independently, and by third-party stand builders contracted by exhibitors.

Non-accredited companies are prohibited to perform any stand building works at the Exhibition Centre ACCO International.

If you have any questions about accreditation, please phone or e-mail us:

+380 44 456 3804